For the purposes of this article the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated:
(a) Agent - Any person authorized by the licensee of a mobile home park to operate such park.
(b) Building Official - The legally designated inspection authority of the city or his or her authorized representative.
(c) License - A written license issued by the city clerk permitting a person to operate a mobile home park under the provisions of this article.
(d) Mobile Home - A moveable, detached, single-family dwelling unit with all the following characteristics:
(1) Designed for long-term occupancy, and containing living and sleeping facilities, a flush toilet, a tub or shower bath, kitchen facilities, and having plumbing and electrical connections provided for attachment to outside systems.
(2) Designed and constructed on a chassis that is capable of being transported after fabrication on its own wheels, or detachable wheels.
(3) Arrives at the site where it is to be occupied as a dwelling, complete and ready for occupancy except minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operation, location on supports, connections to utilities, and the like.
(4) Not to be placed on a foundation as required for a permanent structure.
(5) Designed and built in conformance with the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974.
(6) A double wide, a mobile home as defined above and having been built in two sections at the factory, which two sections are transported separately with assembly into one structure of a width of not less than 20 feet occurring at the destination.
(e) Mobile Home Park - A unified development of a tract or parcel of land designed, maintained or used for the purpose of operating, maintaining, renting or supplying spaces for six or more mobile homes. The term mobile home park shall not include lots on which unoccupied mobile homes, whether new or used, are parked for the purpose of storage, inspection or sale.
(f) Mobile Home Space - A parcel or tract of land within a mobile home park for the placement of one mobile home.
(g) Person - Any individual, firm, trust, partnership, association, corporation, or any combination thereof.
(h) Roadway -- Any private street located within a park and providing for the general vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the park.
(i) Service Building - A structure housing toilet, lavatory, laundry and bath facilities. Such building may include other associated uses such as office and recreational facilities.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-802)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or occupy a mobile home or travel trailer in the city unless such mobile home or travel trailer is located in a mobile home park or is located as permitted under conditions as hereinafter prescribed.
(a) A mobile home or travel trailer may be occupied at a construction site for use as an office or watchman’s quarters under a temporary permit for a reasonable period of time as determined by the city building official.
(b) Nothing in this article shall prohibit or limit the parking of mobile homes or travel trailers in connection with the manufacture, sale or repair thereof by any person regularity engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling or repairing mobile homes or recreational vehicles or travel trailers.
(c) One unoccupied mobile home may be parked in any accessory private garage building or in the rear yard of any premises under a temporary permit for a period of one week.
(d) A travel trailer owned and used exclusively for the purpose of traveling and occupancy the owner, members of his or her family and guests on camp trips beyond the city limits, may be parked in an accessory garage building on residential premises, or in the rear or side yard of the premises for the intervals of time between camping trips, provided the recreational vehicle is not used as living quarters during such periods of time.
(e) A mobile home currently on a site not in a mobile home park may remain on the site. Subject to compliance with subsections (m) and {n) of the Basic Minimum Requirements and subsection {d) of the Natural Gas section. If the mobile home is removed from the site and the site remains vacant for 12 months, a mobile home may not be placed on the site thereafter.
(f) A double wide mobile home may be placed on a lot not in a mobile home park provided: The mobile home is constructed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, 1970 edition adopted by the city, the lot conforms in all aspects to the zoning requirements for an R-1 lot and the mobile home is placed on a permanent continuous foundation and connected to city utilities. Such double wide mobile homes to be placed on a lot outside or a mobile home park shall first be submitted to the planning commission for review as to architectural conformity with the surrounding neighborhood based on the following:
(1) The physical condition of the structure is sound, well maintained and of neat appearance.
(2) The proposed site of the structure is not in a neighborhood which contains homes of a size and value sufficiently higher than will result from the establishment of the double wide mobile home that the contrast in appearance will depress property values in the neighborhood.
(3) The roof of the structure shall be sloped to a peak with the slope rising a minimum of one foot for every four feet of run.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-803)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a mobile home park within the limits of the city unless such person holds a valid license therefor.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-804)
Application for the original license shall be in writing on forms furnished by the city clerk, who shall issue the license only after approval by the city council and payment of the license fee hereinafter provided and shall include:
(a) The name and address of the applicant.
(b) The location and legal description of the property on which the park is to be
(c) Three sets of plans, drawn to scale, for the design of the park containing the following information:
(1) Area and dimension of the tract of land.
(2) The number, location and size of all mobile home spaces.
(3) Location, design and specifications for roadways, walkways, parking spaces, recreation areas, utility easements, and any other on-site improvements including structures.
(4) Location and sizes of all utilities, existing and proposed.
(5) Locations, design and specification for all lighting.
(6) Location, design and specifications for screening and landscaping.
(d) Written statement of proposed method for garbage and refuse disposal.
(e) Three copies of proposed covenants and restrictions to be enforced by the operator.
(f) Such other reasonable information as may be required by city officials.
Copies of the plans shall be circulated by the building official to the following city departments and approval obtained from them prior to the issuing a license for the development, redevelopment, alteration or expansion of a park: water and sewer department, electric department street department.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-805)
Application for renewal of license shall be made in writing on forms furnished by the city clerk, on or before January 1st of each year. Such application shall contain any changes in the information submitted with the original application or the latest renewal.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-806)
The fee for all original applications or renewals thereof shall be determined by the city council. All fees shall be prorated on a quarterly basis between the date of application and December 31st of that year.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-807)
License issued under the provision of this article shall not be transferable. A new license will be issued to any new owner upon compliance with the application procedures herein.
No right or authority is granted or implied to erect any building or to do any work covered by the building codes of the city.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-808)
The city council is hereby authorized to revoke any license issued on the following grounds:
(a) Failure to pay utility bills, gas, light and water within 60 days after their due date.
(b) Violating any of the terms of the city ordinance relative to the board of sanitation, sewer regulations.
(c) Allowing or permitting any tenants to violate the nuisance section of Chapter 8, Article 9.
Whenever it is determined by the city building official that violations exist he or she shall give notice in writing to the licensee that such violations are to be corrected within a specified time. If such violations have not been corrected within the specified time the building official shall give notice that a recommendation will be made to the city council that the license be revoked. Upon revocation of the license the licensee shall cease operation of the park or camp.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-809)
Any person denied a license or affected by any notice which has been issued in the enforcement of any provision of this article by the building official may request and be granted a hearing before the city council provided that such person shall file within 10 days of receipt of such denial or notice, in the office of the building official, a written request for such hearing setting forth a statement of the grounds therefor.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-810)
The building official, the city-county health director, the fire chief, and the chief of police or their authorized representatives are hereby authorized to enter at reasonable times, any park or camp for the purpose of inspecting or investigating conditions relating to the enforcement of this article or other ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-81 1)
Any development, redevelopment, alteration or expansion of a park within the city shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Building Codes - All plumbing, electrical, mechanical, building and other work on or at any park or camp shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Code and other ordinances of the city.
(b) Location -A mobile home park shall only be located in an MHP zone. The zone shall be established in the manner described in Chapter 13, Subpart L for changes to the zoning regulation.
(Ord. 8408, Sec. 4-812)
(a) Area - A mobile home park shall consist of a tract of ground containing a minimum of one acre. There shall be a maximum of six mobile home spaces per acre. Every mobile home within a mobile home park shall be located on a parcel of ground which shall contain a minimum square footage as computed by this formula: The width of the mobile home plus 20 feet multiplied by the length of the mobile home plus 40 feet; however, no lot shall contain less than 3600 square feet.
(b) Area Lighting -Adequate lighting of all roadways and public areas shall be provided as approved by the building official.
(c) Clearance -All mobile homes shall be located so as to maintain a minimum clearance of 20 feet from another mobile home or appurtenance thereto or any other structure within the park.
(d) Drainage -- The park shall be graded to drain all surface water in a safe, efficient manner.
(e) Roadway - All mobile home spaces shall abut upon a roadway at least graded and graveled with the traveled way not less than 30 feet in width. The roadway shall be continuous. The roadway shall be an interior roadway. No mobile home space shall abut upon an existing or future public collector or arterial street.
(f) Parking - Each mobile home space shall be provided with two off-street parking spaces. These spaces shall be located no farther than 200 feet from the mobile home space.
(g) Setbacks - No mobile home or other structure shall be located closer than 20 feet from any public right-of-way or park roadway, nor closer than 10 feet from any property line, nor shall they be located in such a manner that they will obstruct the view of any street or intersection.
(h) Soil and Ground Cover - Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every park shall be seeded, planted with vegetation or otherwise protected from soil erosion and dust.
(i) Storage Facilities - Each mobile home space shall be provided with a storage locker of at least 120 cubic feet or in compounds located within 100 feet of the spaces they serve. Storage facilities shall be designed in a manner that will enhance the park and be constructed of weather resistant materials.
(j) Storm Shelter - A storm shelter shall be provided for persons living in the mobile home court. The storm shelter shall be adequately designed to protect occupants, and shall have an area of not less than 12 square feet per mobile home lot. The storm shelter shall have adequate fresh air ducts to accommodate the occupants.
(Ord. 8408, Sec. 4-813)
Electrical lines shall be installed in underground conduits at least 18 inches below the ground surface and at least one foot radial distance from water, sewer, gas or telephone lines. A properly grounded, weatherproof box, capable of supplying at least 100 amperes current at 120/240 volts shall be provided at each mobile home space.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 8-413)
An accessible, safe and potable supply of water as approved by the city-county health official shall be provided in each park. If city water is available, it shall be used. Individual water service connections shall be provided at each mobile home.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 8-414)
Natural gas shall be connected to mobile homes or travel trailers under the following conditions:
(a) All gas lines supplying mobile homes or travel trailer shall be of adequate size to provide a sufficient supply of gas that will allow all appliances in the mobile home to operate at their normal rate of capacity.
(b) All gas lines, including gas service lines serving the mobile home shall be buried not less than 18 inches below grade to a point at or below the mobile home.
(c) For each individual mobile home there shall be a gas stop cock and an American Gas Association approved flexible connector and have a breakaway regulator.
(d) Use of propane of bottled gas shall not be permitted.
(e) If mobile home is unoccupied for 12 months or moved, it needs to be
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-415; Code 1996)
All sewage and other water-carried wastes from parks or camps shall be disposed of into the municipal sewer system.
(a) A sewer connection shall be made available at each mobile home space. The type of connection used shall conform to all state and local plumbing requirements.
(b) No water flush toilets or bathing facilities may be used in mobile homes unless connected to a sewage system in accordance with the state and local plumbing requirements.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-417)
(a) The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the park shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident, fire hazards or air pollution.
(b) All refuse shall be stored in fly tight, watertight, rodent-proof containers, which shall be located at each space. Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to store properly all refuse.
(c) Refuse racks shall be provided for all refuse containers. Such racks shall be so designed as to prevent the containers from being tipped, to minimize spillage and container deterioration and to facilitate cleaning around them.
(d) Refuse and garbage shall be removed from the park in accordance with the regular city’s service. All refuse shall be collected and transported in covered vehicles or covered containers.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-818)
(a) Outdoor fires for cocking purposes shall be made only grills, stoves or other equipment intended for that purpose.
(b) Portable fire extinguishers shall be available and in good repair for use in fighting fires in accessory buildings.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-819)
Responsibilities of the park management:
(a) All responsibilities set out elsewhere in this article as apply to licensee or agent.
(b) The licensee or his or her agent shall operate the park in compliance with this and other applicable articles and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
(c) The licensee or agent shall notify each and every park occupant of all applicable provisions of this article and inform them of their duties and responsibilities hereunder.
(d) The licensee or agent shall report to the city-county health officer all known or suspected cases of communicable diseases.
(e) The licensee or agent shall maintain a register of park occupancy which shall contain the following:
(1) Name and space number of all park residents.
(2) Mobile home registration date, including make, length, width, year of manufacture and identification number.
(3) Make and model of all travel trailers, and the license number.
(4) Location of each mobile home and travel trailer within the park by space number.
(5) Dates of arrival and departure of each mobile home.
A new register shall be initiated on January 1st of each year, and the old register may thereafter be retired but shall be retained on the premises for at least three years following its retirement. Registers shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by any official of the city whose duties may necessitate access to the information contained therein.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-820)
Any park existing at the time this article take effect may continue to operate under the rules and regulations which governed its establishment, provided, however:
(a) Alterations and additions to a park and facilities may be made provided they comply with all regulations set forth in this article, and provided further that application be made to the city clerk in accordance with these regulations.
(b) A mobile home shall not be permanently attached to the ground or placed on concrete or masonry foundation unless it is converted to a building complying in all respects to the building code of the city and approved by the city council.
(c) Every mobile home shall be anchored to the ground in accordance with these regulations and approved by the building official. These regulations shall apply from and after the effective date of this article to every mobile home in a new mobile home park, and every mobile home moved in, relocated or replaced in an existing mobile home park, and further, shall apply to all mobile homes not later than March 31, 1983.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-821)
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100 a day. Each day the violation exists shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable hereunder as a separate offense.
(Ord. 8302, Sec. 4-822)