CHAPTER 7. FIRECHAPTER 7. FIRE\Article 4. Flammables and Explosives

No person shall keep or cause to be kept or stored in any building in the city any kerosene or coil oil in quantities exceeding 100 gallons. Exceptions may be made by the fire chief. All storage must be appropriately labeled.

(Code 1975, 6-201)

No person shall keep or store or cause to be kept or stored in any building in the city any gasoline, naphtha, benzine or any other light produce of crude petroleum or fuel oil in quantities exceeding five gallons except that contained in tanks of automobiles, tractors, motorcycles or other self-propelled vehicles.

All inflammable liquids not stored in underground tanks, other than in tanks of automobiles, tractors, motorcycles or self-propelled vehicles shall be kept in tight and entire closed metal cans free from leak and painted red. Underground tanks must be provided with screen vents and their location and the pumps connected therewith must be approved by the chief of the fire department.

(Code 1975, 6-202)

No person shall store or cause to be stored in the open upon any premises in the city, any gasoline, naphtha benzine or any other light produce of crude petroleum or fuel oil in quantities exceeding one barrel, except as otherwise provided in this article.

(Code 1975, 6-203)

Vent and fill pipes from underground tanks containing gasoline, benzine, naphtha or other light products of crude petroleum shall not be located within five feet of any building having the nearest wall constructed of combustible material, or within five feet of any opening of any wall of any building.

(Code 1975, 6-204)

Tank wagons used for transporting inflammable liquids shall not be stored in public garages or within the fire limits. (Code 1975, 6-205)

Large above ground tanks containing inflammable liquids such as gasoline, benzine, naphtha, kerosene and other light products of crude petroleum or fuel oil used in connection with wholesale and distributing stations shall not be located within the fire limits nor within 600 feet of any school, church, hospital or industrial or manufacturing plant. Tanks shall be of all steel gas tight construction and equipped with screened vents of ample size. Wooden roof tanks are hereby prohibited. The location of such tanks shall have the approval of the chief of the fire department and the minimum distance from above ground tanks to the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be as follows:

Capacity of Tank in Gallons

Distance in feet

300 or less


500 or less






















(Code 1975, 6-206)

Inflammable liquids shall not be drawn or handled in the presence of open flame or fire, but may be drawn and handled by daylight or when lighting is by incandescent electric lamps in vapor proof globes.

(Code 1975, 6-207)

Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction be fined not less than $5 or more than $25.

(Code 1975, 6-208)

It shall be unlawful to store or keep any dynamite, nitroglycerine, giant powder or other explosives other than gunpowder in any storeroom, wareroom, building or on any premises within the city limits.

(Code 1975, 6-209)

It shall be unlawful to store or keep any explosive in excess of one pound of gunpowder in any storeroom, wareroom, building or on any premises within the city, providing that not more than five pounds of gunpowder may be kept in closed metal canisters in a store or wareroom away from artificial heat or light, and provided further that not more than 50 pounds of gunpowder may be kept if in a magazine made of fireproof material or of wood covered with sheet iron and mounted on wheels and kept securely locked except when necessarily opened for use by authorized persons and not more than 1,000 blasting caps in a similar, but separate magazine.

The magazine shall be conspicuously placarded in red letters at least four inches high Explosives which placard shall be located within the building, on the floor nearest the street level and within 10 feet of the street entrance.

(Code 1975, 6-210)

Any person who shall sell or store gunpowder shall obtain a permit from the chief of the fire department who shall inspect the place where same is kept, and the dealer shall fully disclose to the chief where same is kept both in the day and nighttime.

(Code 1975, 6-211)

Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $25 for each offense, and each and every day that any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this article are not complied with shall be considered a separate offense.

(Code 1975, 6-212)